How To Add, Manage And Delete Roles In Discord

Discord is a popular application among online gamers that makes it possible to communicate via voice, video and text. However, it is also useful for you if you are part of a group of colleges, a global arts community, etc.

Discord is a free, cross-platform application for creating and merging servers, channels or chat rooms for group interaction. Many members of the gaming community are replacing Skype and Facebook Messenger with Discord.

Discord has 13 server level permissions, 9 text rights and 8 voting rights. These permissions have binary options that allow you to create 536,870,912 permissions combinations.

With server level authorizations, for example. B. Assigning authorizations at administrative level. Text permissions allow the user to send or manage messages. Finally, you can use the voting rights to let the user be the main speaker.

Linking a certain permit to a person can be a tedious task. However, it is impossible to grant rights to each individual user when there are thousands of users on the server.

In this article we will discuss how to add, manage and delete roles in Discordance.

Discord Rolls

In Discordance, a role is defined as a set of rights assigned to a named user. By default, the user is initially assigned the role @any, allowing users with basic rights such as reading and sending messages.

The server administrator can assign the moderator role to a user who also has the ability to mute or block other users. You can create and modify an unlimited number of roles on the server.

Before we start adding or changing roles, we first need to understand the individual authorizations.


Reduced tariff authorisation

You can skip this section if you already know the authorizations. However, if you are new to Discord, you must know the individual authorizations so that you can assign the appropriate roles to each user.

The discrepancies have a total of 30 licences, briefly subdivided into general, textual and linguistic licences. We will now review all authorizations separately.

General approvals

Administrator – Users with administrator rights have full rights on the server and can also bypass certain rights on the channel. This is the most dangerous authorization, because users can even delete the server.

View Audit Log – This privilege allows users to view server audit logs. The audit log shows all server actions, for example B. What the administrator or moderator does, i.e. lock users, change permissions, etc., is shown in the audit log. Users who have permission for log audits can also see if other users have updated their name.

Manage Server – A server-level privilege that allows the user to change the server name or move the server to another region.

Role Manager – With this permission, users can create new roles and edit or delete roles that do not have this permission.

Manage channels – With permission, users can create new channels and edit or delete existing channels.

Kicking members out – The moderator has the ability to kick users off the server. However, the novice user can join the server with a new invitation.

Bandmembers – This permission is also part of the moderator role. Contrary to the permission of the kick members, the user cannot join the server after being banned.

Create an invitation – If the server is public, you can authorize each role to invite other users to the server.

Change nickname is the main authorization that allows users to change their own nickname.

Manage nicknames – Permission that allows users to change another user’s nickname.

Smileys management – Users can add or remove smilies on the server.

Manage webhooks – With this permission, users can create, modify and delete webhooks. To create webhooks, go to Channel settings > Webhook > Create webhook.

Read Text Channels and View Voice Channels – This privilege allows users to read messages and view all voice channels.

Text resolution

Send messages – with this permission, any role can send messages in the text chat. If you disable this permission, users will no longer be able to send messages.

Send TTS messages – TTS is the abbreviation for SMS. Users can send text messages with their voice by starting the message with /tts. The message can be heard by anyone who focuses on the channel.

Manage messages – If you give them permission, users can delete or attach messages sent by other users.

Embed links – Users can embed links in the chat. By default, users cannot send links through the chat, so this permission must be enabled.

Attach files – Users can send files in the chat. Normally this right is only enabled for administrators and moderators.

Read Message History is the main permission that allows users to view and read previous messages.

@everyone, @here, and List all roles – With this permission, users can ping all other users in the channel.

Use external smilies – Users can also use smilies from other servers.

Add Feedback – Users can add new feedback to the post. However, users can still respond without this permission with comments that have already been added to the messages.

Voting responses

Login – Users can login to the voice channel.

Talk – without this permission, users cannot talk on voice channels.

Mute Members – Enables the role of moderator, allowing users to prevent other users from speaking in the voice channel.

Make members deaf – Moderator role permissions that allow users to disable the ability to hear other users.

Move participants – With this permission, users can drag other users from one channel to another. Transmission only takes place between users if they have access to other channels.

Use voice activity – Authorization allows users to access a call without using push-to-talk.

Priority speakerphone – Users with this resolution are easier to hear during a call because the volume of other users is automatically lowered.

Go Live – Users can receive a live stream on the server.

How to add rolls in Discordance

Before inviting users to the server, it is recommended to first configure disk roles to facilitate user management on the disk server. As we have discussed all the rights in the above section, it is easy for you to assign a role based on the user type.

Follow these steps to add a role to your Discord server.

Step one: Open the Discord application on your desktop or in a browser and log in to access the server.

Step two: Click on the small drop-down arrow to the right of your server name. Then select Server Settings from the menu.

Step three: Click on Roles in the left menu and you will see the unique @oever role that has already been created.

Step four: To add a new clip, click on the small + symbol to the right of ROLES.

Step five: Enter a name for the new role and define a specific color (colors play an important role because they have been used to identify users from other users’ roles).

Step six: Finally, check all the rights you have obtained in the general, text and language section. Activate the authorizations you want to assign to this role.

Click on Save changes.

Repeat the above steps for each new roll. Assign different permission levels to different roles to manage your server as a pro.

When all roles have been created, it is time to assign these roles to the user. And you can assign a role to a user as follows.

Step one: Go to the server and select the user you want to assign the role to in the appropriate pane.

Step two: After selecting the user, click on the small + icon under No role and assign a role from the list.

Repeat the above steps to assign roles to each user.

To quickly assign a role to a user, right-click on the user in the right window. Click on Roles and select the appropriate role for the user.

How to manage the roles in discord

You have now managed to create a role and assign it to the user. But managing these roles is different from creating them. You can add multiple roles and change permissions within each role over time.

Managing roles in Discordance is essential for the server organization, especially when the number of users increases. You don’t have much work to do if the server is limited to you and your friends, but if there are hundreds or thousands of users, you need to manage the server to prevent crashes.

With authorizations you can create 250 different roles for a single server. So create roles as needed instead of trying out every possible combination of rights.

You can only start with two roles at the beginning – admin and @everyone. As the number of users on your server increases, you can add new roles with different permissions. This is because the role must be assigned individually to each user.

So you can include basic authorizations in @anyrole, so you don’t think too much before assigning a role to a user.

You will notice that the left column in the Roles section displays the names of all the roles you have created. Here users can easily find out about the administrators, moderators, etc. of the server.

You can also provide a feedback form to your server users to improve the communication process. If a user wants additional permissions, you or your moderator can review them and assign the necessary permissions.

You should understand that the administrator is responsible for the operation of your server in your absence. Therefore, you need to give the server full administrator rights to keep the system running smoothly. You also need to maintain a balance between the responsibility of the administrators and the moderators.

Based on your daily activities, you will understand what authorisations are required for each role. To enable or disable a resolution, simply change it in the drop-down menu.

How to discredit the rollers

You may need to delete some roles on your server. To remove the roll, follow the steps below.

Step one: Click on the small drop-down arrow to the right of your server name. Then select Server Settings from the menu.

Step two: Click on Roles in the left menu and select the role you want to delete.

Step three: After selecting a role, scroll down and press Delete [Role Name]. You will also see an option to remove permissions for the role, which will disable all permissions for this role.


The Discord application works on both desktop and mobile platforms. If you are a gamer and want to communicate effectively with your friends, then Discordance is definitely a good platform for you.

If you are a streamer, you can synchronize Discordance with your YouTube or Twitch channel and only set up subscriber channels by giving special rights on the server.

If you still have trouble adding, managing and deleting roles in Discord, feel free to comment.

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